
Biodiversity and trade: mitigating the impacts of non-food biomass global supply chains

Biodiversity and trade: mitigating the impacts of non-food biomass global supply chains




Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU)

Photo: Prof. Francesca Verones (PI)

Francesca Verones is Professor at the Industrial ecology Programme of NTNU. Her work centers around developing life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) models to quantify human impacts on our ecosystems.

Photo: Konstantin Stadler

Konstantin Stadler is the manager and lead researcher of the Industrial Ecology Digital Laboratory at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering (NTNU).

Photo: Sedona Anderson

Sedona Anderson is a PhD candidate at the department of Industrial Ecology, NTNU, under Prof. Francesca Verones. Her research is focused on biodiversity impacts and the development and expansion of LCIA models.

Photo: Eli Wilson

Elisha Wilson is a PhD candidate at NTNU’s department of Industrial Ecology, under Francesca Verones and Konstantin Stadler. His work focuses on quantifying the ecological impacts of human activity through LCIA and MRIO models.

Universiteit Leiden (ULEI)

Photo: Laura Scherer

Laura Scherer is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Environmental Sciences at Leiden University. Her research focuses on impact assessment related to agriculture, animal welfare, species diversity, and functional diversity across different ecosystem types.

Photo: Peter van Bodegom

Peter van Bodegom is Professor Environmental Biology at the Institute of Environmental Sciences of Leiden University. He addresses urgent challenges in quantitatively understanding the impacts of human influences on nature and biodiversity and the needs of society for nature through natural capital and ecosystem services.

Photo: Jennifer Anderson

Jennifer Anderson is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Environmental Sciences at Leiden University. Her research for project BAMBOO centers around the development of novel impact assessment methods for climate change and eutrophication impacts on functional diversity.

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU)

Photo: Martin BRUCKNER

Martin Bruckner is Senior Scientist at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. His work focuses on the development of physical and hybrid multi-regional input-output models and their application to quantify and analyse the impact of human consumption on distant ecosystems.

Photo: Stefan Trsek

Stefan Trsek is a research associate at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. In BAMBOO, he develops the hybrid multi-regional input-output model to trace non-food products and their associated biodiversity impacts along global supply chains.

Photo: Stefan Trsek

Hanja Pisa is a research associate and PhD candidate at the Institute for Ecological Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business. In BAMBOO, she uses the hybrid multi-regional input-output model to investigate the international supply chains of forestry and wood products.

Photo: Stefan Trsek

Olivia Hinz is a master’s student and research associate at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. In the BAMBOO project, she focuses on integrating environmental indicators into the multi-regional input-output model FABIO and researching the impacts of international feed trade on nutrient cycles and biodiversity loss.

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL)

Photo: Alexandra Marques

Alexandra Marques is a scientist at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. Her work focus on quantifying human impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems and linking these with economic models to understand the indirect drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem services change.

Photo: Detlef van Vuuren

Detlef van Vuuren is a project leader of the IMAGE project at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and professor in Integrated Assessment of Global Environmental Change at the Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University. Detlef van Vuuren focuses on global sustainability issues. He leads a team that develops models with which future climate and environmental change can be explored by means of scenarios, considering relevant interactions. Among others, Detlef van Vuuren coordinated the development of the climate scenarios of the IPCC, the climate panel of the United Nations.

Photo: Aafke Schipper

Aafke Schipper is a senior scientist at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. In addition, she holds a position as associate professor at Radboud University (Nijmegen, Netherlands). Her work focuses on quantifying and understanding how biodiversity responds to human changes in the environment and applying this knowledge in assessments supporting environmental policy and biodiversity conservation.

Photo: Liam Vezzani

Liam Vezzani is a researcher at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. During the project, his research will focus on modelling human impacts on ecosystem services.

Photo: Carlijn Bos

Carlijn Bos is a researcher at the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL). In BAMBOO, she uses integrated assessment models to investigate the dynamics of the forestry sector and its relationships with land use, energy, and climate.

Photo: Vassilis Daioglou

Vassilis Daioglou is a senior researcher at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), and a guest researcher at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University. His research interests lie on the climate-land-energy-water nexus as well as Carbon dioxide removal in long term scenarios. In his work he develops, assesses, and uses integrated assessment models to investigate the role of these elements in transitions towards sustainable development.

ETH Zürich (ETH)

Photo: Stephan Pfister

Stephan Pfister is a senior research associate at ETH Zurich in the Ecological Systems Design group (since 2012). His methodological focus is on the impact assessment of water consumption and land use in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with applications to agriculture and power production. In this context, he advanced water footprint concepts, including future assessments and international trade. He received his PhD from the ETH Zurich in 2011, did a one-year post-doc at UC Santa Barbara in 2011, has published more than 100 original research papers and was recognised as a highly cited researcher in 2019.

Photo: Sidi Peng

Sidi Peng is a Ph.D. student at the Chair of Ecological Systems Design, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. She works on regionalizing the life cycle assessment (LCA) of the agricultural system.

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)

Photo: Ian Vazquez Rowe

Dr. Ian Vázquez-Rowe graduated in Biology in 2006 at the University of Texas at Arlington. He then continued his graduate studies in Environmental Engineering at the University of Santiago de Compostela – USC (2006-2008. In October 2008 he initiated his research career at USC, where he obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering in July 2012. From January 2012 to December 2013, Dr. Vázquez-Rowe has been continuing his research career as an Environmental Evaluation & Management R&D Engineer at Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor (now LIST, in Luxembourg). Currently, Dr. Vázquez-Rowe is a Full Professor at the Department of Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He has participated in numerous research projects at a European, Spanish, Galician, Luxembourgish and Peruvian level, as well as recent projects with UN Environment. Dr. Vázquez-Rowe has published over 130 articles (h-index= 38 on Scopus) in international journals. Currently, he is also the editor for Ocean Resources and Marine Conservation at the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment and for the Journal of Environmental Management. His main research interests are linked to environmental management, including life cycle methods, their methodological improvement and their combination with other methods. Moreover, fisheries and agriculture, food systems in general and waste and wastewater treatment systems have been the main focus of his research in recent years.

Photo: Ramzy Kahhat

Ramzy Kahhat is a Principal Professor at the Department of Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He also serves as Associate Editor of Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Ramzy obtained his PhD and MSE in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Arizona State University. He is a broadly trained civil and environmental engineer applying concepts and methods from Sustainable Engineering, Industrial Ecology, and Earth Systems Engineering and Management. His expertise in these areas have been used in several research studies, such as waste management, agro-industrial, urban and energy systems, urban stocks, and characterization of debris generated by disasters.

Photo: Diana Ita

Diana Ita is a doctoral candidate at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. She is an environmental engineer with a master's degree in industrial ecology from TU Delft and Leiden University in the Netherlands. Her current research involves the assessment of the environmental impacts of marine waste, including the development of characterization factors to assess the implications on resource depletion and the development of a methodology to quantify the amount of plastics reaching the coasts from land-based sources. Other interests include sustainable waste management, sustainable consumption, material flow analysis, and life cycle assessment.

Africa Policy Research Institute (APRI)

Photo: Olumide Abimbola

Dr. Olumide Abimbola is political economist and Executive Director of APRI - Africa Policy Research Institute, based in Berlin. With degrees from Nigeria, Sweden, and Germany, and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, he previously worked with the African Development Bank, and the CONNEX Support Unit, a G7 initiative funded by the German government and the European Commission.

Photo: Vincent

Vincent Reich works as Communications Officer at APRI - Africa Policy Research Institute, based in Berlin. He has a professional background in Public Relations and Communications and an academic background in Public Policy and Governance.

Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS)

Photo: Martin BRUCKNER

Filipe Cadete is the chief bioinformatician at the SGS Global Biosciences Centre. His work focuses on developing tools to monitor biodiversity. In BAMBOO, he helps coordinate the different parts of SGS and liaises with the retail partners.

Photo: Martin BRUCKNER

Rita Rocha is a key member of the Digital & Innovation department of SGS Portugal and brings valuable expertise in scouting and implementing international proposals.



Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU)

Photo: Candy Deck

Candy Deck is a research software engineer working for the Industrial Ecology Digital Laboratory. She is in charge of the maintenance of the website.

Photo: Marion Lebrun

Marion Lebrun is a PhD candidate at NTNU (Department of Industrial Ecology) under the supervision of Prof. Francesca Verones. Her research addresses impacts of food/non-food biomass and trade on biodiversity with expansion of LCIA models.

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)

Photo: Joan Matos

Joan Sanchez Matos is an Environmental Management Engineer, with a master's degree in Industrial Pollution from the University of Vigo (Spain) and a PhD in Development and Environment from the State University of Santa Cruz (Brazil). He worked as a professor at the National University of the Peruvian Amazon (2013-2014, 2021) and currently works as a part-time professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (2022-2023). He is part of the Peruvian Network for Life Cycle Analysis (PELCAN-PUCP), as a postdoctoral researcher, carrying out research related to material flow analysis, life cycle assessment, environmental impacts of Peruvian eating patterns, and regionalization of environmental impact assessment methods related to water resources.

Former project members

Former project members
Photo: Zully Rosadio

Zully Rosadio is a research associate at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. In the project, she develops the physical input-output and trade model for forestry products.

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picture:logo EU and ERC

Co-funded by the European Union and the Swiss Confederation. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Swiss Confederation. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority or the Swiss Confederation can be held responsible for them.

Bamboo © 2023

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picture:logo EU and ERC

Co-funded by the European Union and the Swiss Confederation. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Swiss Confederation. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority or the Swiss Confederation can be held responsible for them.

Bamboo © 2023
webmaster: Industrial Ecology Digital Lab

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